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Siltation reduces dam storage – vital for water supply and the economy. Managing this is crucial. The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) assigned the WaterResearch Commission (WRC) to develop a National Siltation Management Strategy (NatSilt). One of the key…

28 May 2024

When we non-specialists think of silted-up dams (indeed, whenwe think of them at all) we picture in our mind’s eye greatexpanses of desiccated mud, cracked and fissured beneath abaking sun. But scratch the surface, or rather dig down a metre,and…

South Africa is a semi-arid country which means that the national water infrastructure must be designed to promote and ensure that there is long-term water security. There are multiple threats to water security in South Africa, one of the biggest being the loss of dam storage capacity because of siltation associated with natural…

National siltation programme will ensure longevity of South Africa’s large dams As a water-scarce country with an extremely variable rainfall, both in space and in time, South Africa is highly dependent on the storage of water in large dams for…

Water storage and hydroelectric dams across the world are running out of water as they become increasingly gummed-up with sand and silt. The Water Research Commission (WRC)has been appointed to develop a new siltation management strategy for South Africa’s large…

South Africa is a semi-arid country which means that the national water infrastructure must be designed to promote and ensure that there is long-term water security. There are multiple threats to water security in South Africa, one of the biggest being the loss of dam storage capacity because of siltation associated with natural…

The Water Research Commission (WRC) is embarking on an ambitious programme to ensure the effective siltation management and improved storage capacity of 320 State-owned, Department of Water and Sanitation– (DWS-) managed large dams. The three-year National Dam Siltation Management Strategy in South Africa, or NatSilt, project, was launched during…

The Water Research Commission (WRC) is embarking on an ambitious programme to ensure the effective siltation management and improved storage capacity of 320 State-owned, Department of Water and Sanitation– (DWS-) managed large dams. The three-year National Dam Siltation Management Strategy in South Africa, or NatSilt, project, was launched during…